Kickstarter, Develop Brighton, and life shiz

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Hello guys! 😀

It’s been a little while since I posted in this blog, and I wanted to update my loyal, lovely blog-readers. Some exciting things have been happening!

I launched the Kickstarter campaign for The Last Time on Monday 13th. Reluctant though I am to get my hopes up, it’s been going well so far. The first day or two of any Kickstarter campaign is really important for gathering the necessary momentum to keep going – fortunately, my campaign got off to a great start, finishing its second day at 26%. As is normal with Kickstarter campaigns, the rate of pledges then slowed down (this is commonly referred to as the plateau of a campaign), but the figure has still been moving in the right direction at a decent rate; as I write this, nearing the end of day six, the project is 39% funded. Hah. Just typing that and looking at it feels kind of strange. In a good way 🙂

This has all been possible due to the support of family and friends, people who have loved the demo, and nice people from the internet who found the campaign and believe in it. This, the amazing reception the game’s had on Gamejolt (where it’s been featured!), and the praise it’s got from fellow developers, has been really encouraging. When I started making The Last Time, I wasn’t sure if anyone would play it; now, I realise that there’s a whole lot of people out there who will love the game. This has given me all the motivation I need to really put my all into this game and make it as I envision.

Other exciting news: I went to the Develop conference in Brighton this week, a big annual conference for game developers. The highlight was meeting some great fellow indie devs, including the creators of De Mambo and the team behind Her Majesty’s Spiffing. I also met some big names in the industry whom I didn’t realise were ‘kind of a big deal’ until after I’d met them! Whoops! ^^

I leave you with a photo of me with a member of the De Mambo team from the Develop conference. Might be the first time you’ve seen a non-pixel-art pic of me! 🙂



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