Happy anniversary!

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Happy anniversary!

It’s been a year since The Last Time was funded on Kickstarter, supporting my dream of releasing my first commercial game. Now, that dream is tantalisingly close – in the next few days, I will send out what I expect to be the final beta version to the beta testers, with the aim to release the game within the next few weeks. It’s taken a lot of hard work, endurance and love to get to this point; looking back, I find it almost hard to believe the journey I’ve been on. And along the way, I’ve had your support, which has made all the difference.

Since the last update, I’ve made a bunch of changes to the game, ranging from game-breaking bugs to small bits of polish on the graphics, UI, gameplay and writing. On top of that, Tom (sound designer) has improved a lot of the existing music and SFX, as well as adding some additional tracks which enhance the mood on some scenes that were previously silent. He took the time to come to my ‘studio’ (i.e. my flat) and work with me on making sure that the timings, fade-ins etc were all up to scratch. The sound really does add a huge amount to the game, and I’m grateful to Tom for going the extra mile.

No screenshots this update, because I want to keep the remaining scenes a secret so I don’t spoil them for you – but you’ll be able to play through them in the very near future! 🙂

Thanks again for your support! By the way, an indie dev friend of mine is running his own Kickstarter for BFF or Die, a tactical-action-puzzler with co-op play (I’ve played it, it is fun!), so check that out if you’re interested.

Until next time! 🙂


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